domingo, 28 de junio de 2009


Our first time, doing social action in the “cooperativa Detodas” was very exciting for me, and also very interesting. We went on Saturday June 6, at 9 o clock. Since the socias where getting into their places, we started with a presentation of us, we explained our objective of going to the cooperative Detodas, They also presented and told us their experience. Some of the stories were really sad, but what is more exciting is to see how little by little they overcome, and to see the desire that they have to learn more every day, that make me feel very happy knowing that there are people who struggle every day to get ahead no matter what little resources they have. Also the socias told us that they are very happy to belong to the ‘’cooperative Detodas’’ because the cooperative has given them the opportunity to help them go ahead and also the cooperetiva has taught them to know value each one. Las socias commented us that the capacitation given by the cooperativa are very good they don’t lose any.
After hearing the experiences of all the socias, we asked what topics they want to learn in order to improve their lives and their business. They told us they wanted to learn about customer service, computer, English, marketing and etiquette. I am happy to hear everything they want to learn. I’m sure we will do a good job.
The objective in this meeting was to know about the socias, listen to their experience and also to know their interest and detect their needs in order to help them to have a better business.The purpose of going every Saturday is to help the socias and also because I feel good helping them, we know that are going to advantage this opportunity and we also.

7 comentarios:

  1. hi valeria i really like what you are doing to help the socias to be succesfull in their bussines and also agree with in the part you said that the cooperativa detodas is a great example of giving people the opportunity of have a better life

  2. Valeria you're very committed to the work of training to the socias of the cooperativa DETODAS. I am sure that the training will benefit the business of the socias. CONTINUE!!!

  3. vale !! it's really interesting your description about the activities that you are doing with the socias. I have to say that I'm very glad to participate in this activity with you and the others friends. Your contribution is very important !! Keep going !!

    bye !

  4. nice idea, one question, how do plan to help them in their bussiness, what are you going to use for this?

  5. Is nice that you know more about the experiences of the socias of cooperativa detodas

  6. vanessa! i wiil give them training about topics they want to improve their bussines and life. they choosse english costumer service and ettique!

  7. denisse marianna isabel!! i also like to work with all of you! i know we are doing i good job!
